Monday, January 17, 2011

Baby Goat

Want to know how to care for a baby goat, or what to name them if you decide to keep one as a pet? This article will give you all the information that you need about a kid. Read on and learn more...

I am sure you must know what a baby goat is called...yes! You are absolutely right, it is called a kid. Do you have goats at your farm and has the mother goat given birth to a kid? Aren't they really cute, frolicking about, following their mother on their tiny little legs, calling out for her in their tiny little cannot help picking them up and cuddling them whenever you see a kid. If you want to keep this baby goat as a pet, then you should have some idea as to how to take care of them, you have to choose a name for them, you have to learn what is good for them and what is bad for them and so on. Here are some tips on baby goat care which you should keep in mind. Also given is a list of baby goat names which will help you to name the kid.

Baby Goat Care
Just like any other animal or human kid, the baby goat needs to be left alone with it's mother the first few weeks, especially the first 24 hours. Want to know why? Well this is because the lining of the goat's digestive system changes 24 hours after they are born and within this 24 hours, the lining is able to take in the colostrum. Wondering what a colostrum is? It is the first milk that is produced by the mother goat after giving birth and this milk is rich in various nutrients, proteins, antibodies which helps in protecting the kid from various diseases, and also carbs. This milk is important for the baby goat and they can be absorbed only within the first 24 hours after it's birth. Hence it's important that the kid is kept with it's mother as soon as it's born.

The next thing that you have to make sure is that you have a place ready where the kid can sleep. The place should be warm and dry and should be protected from the rain and the sun. Also make sure that the place is not drafty. Pile up some hay for the kid to sleep on. If it's winter, then make sure that you have a heat lamp placed in the shed or in the barn in order to keep the place warm.

Next comes the most important part of feeding these baby goats. These kids have to be fed regularly and since they have a small stomach, you might need to feed them at least 4 to 5 times a day. This is again another reason why it's best that you keep the baby goat with it's mother the first few days. Now what to feed the young goats? You can feed them goat milk. Goat milk benefits are huge not only for humans but for baby goats too. You can feed these kids with the help of a feeding bottle. Increase the size of the point on the nipple and then hold it near the mouth of the kid. The kid will refuse at first, but you have to be patient.

In order to prevent your baby goat from suffering from any kind of health issues, you have to take special care of them. De worm them regularly, trim their hooves so that they do not suffer from any problems related to the hooves. Give them the proper required vaccination when they are three weeks of age. For this you can contact your vet who will tell you all about the vaccinations as well as when to take the booster dose. With a warm and damp cloth, clean the ears, the legs, the hooves and the face of the baby goat regularly. If you follow these tips, your baby goats will grow up to be healthy and strong.

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